BLAH2 Registration
Please help us organizing the logistics of BLAH2 by making registratin and letting us know about you and your plan.
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Personal information
Name *
Your full name
Affiliation *
Your affiliation
E-mail *
Your e-mail address. GMail address is preferred if you have one. It is because it turned out Google Doc is a very productive tool for real-time collaborative documentation, and we would like to use it during the hackathon.
E-mail (secondary)
Write in case you have another e-mail account to which you want to receive announcements or notifications.
URL of your homepage, if any
Attendance at BLAH
16th *
Will you attend the symposium on 16th (Mon)?
17th *
Will you attend the hackathon on 17th (Tue)?
18th *
Will you attend the hackathon on 18th (Wed)?
19th *
Will you attend the hackathon on 19th (Thu)?
20th *
Will you attend the hackathon on 20th (Fri)?
Participation in social events
Reception *
We are organizing a welcome dinner for 16th (Mon). It will be partly sponsored by DBCLS, but there is an upper limit that Japanese Government allows, and we expect the cost that each additionally has to pay would be 3,000JPY. Will you attend it?
Excursion *
We are organizing a half-day excursion for 18th (Wed). The detail of the plan is not yet fixed, but we are planning to let you enjoy the nature and culture of Ito city. The cost is expected to be around 3000JPY. Will you attend it?
Hotel reservation
We will reserve a block at the hotel Dormy Inn in Mishima for 15th (Sun), and a block at the hotel Harvest in Ito for 16th (Mon) - 20th (Fri). Please let us know if you want us to reserve your room(s). The room charge is 8,000JPY for Hotel Dormy Inn, and 12,000JPY for Hotel Harvest. Breakfast is included. Note that however there is a limmitation on the capacity. We will let you know in advance in case we cannot meet your requests.
15th night *
〇: Yes, I need a room, X: No, I do not need a room
16th night *
S: Yes, I want a single room, T: Yes, I don't mind sharing a twin room, X: No, I do not need a room
17th night *
S: Yes, I want a single room, T: Yes, I don't mind sharing a twin room, X: No, I do not need a room
18th night *
S: Yes, I want a single room, T: Yes, I don't mind sharing a twin room, X: No, I do not need a room
19th night *
S: Yes, I want a single room, T: Yes, I don't mind sharing a twin room, X: No, I do not need a room
20th night *
S: Yes, I want a single room, T: Yes, I don't mind sharing a twin room, X: No, I do not need a room
Smoking *
Are you fine with a smoking room? 〇: Yes, I am fine, X: No, I am not.
Lunch box for 16th *
As it may not be not very convenient to find a lunch place around DDBJ (the symposium venue), we are planning to order lunch boxes for participants on request. Do you want us to order your lunch box for 16th? It may cost 1,000 - 1,500 JPY.
Special requests
Please let us know if you have a special request, e.g. vegitarian meals. Note that however we may not be able to meet all your requests although we will do our best.
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