Apply for Project IDO on Cronospad
Interested to launch your Project on Cronospad? Apply here πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡
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Project Type ? *
Your Name (Person of Contact)
If you are anonymous, pseudonyms are OK.
Your TG name (Person of Contact) *
Project Name *
Team Status? *
Describe your Project and Highlight important things *
Project Website(If any)
Initial Market Cap at Listing (excluding Liquidity)? *
Project Status? *
Have you already raised funds? *
If Β Yes, How much?
Hard cap? *
Launching on ? *
Backers/Investors/Advisors *
Provide a list of backers, partners, advisors if you have any.
Have your smart contracts been audited? *
If yes, also specify by who and a link to the audit(s).
Whitepaper / Litepaper / Pitchdeck Link ? *
Project Telegram Group
Project Twitter link ?
Other Important Social Handles
Additional Points
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