Base Camp BJJ Student Survey
This survey is voluntary and anonymous.
I would like to know how we are doing and where we could do better. Additionally, I think we have a good culture here and I would like to keep that intact. Getting a better finger on the pulse of the academy helps me understand what needs to be done to achieve that goal.
Thank you for your help! - Woody Hosler
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How long have you been training at Base Camp?
Did you train jiu Jitsu prior to coming to Base Camp?
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How did you hear about us?
How hard was the decision to begin classes? Was anything a big obstacle in starting? Was anything a big help?
Pick your greatest motivating factor for training.
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Pick your second greatest motivating factor for training.
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How interested are you in competition? 0-10 (0 = not interested at all, 10 = very interested)
Not Interested
Very Interested
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If you are not interested in competition, how often have you felt a competition focus in class that distracted from, or interfered with your personal goals in training. 0 - 10 (0 = never, 10 = every class)
Every Class
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If you are interested in competing, how well do you understand what you need to do in order to compete. 0 - 10 (0 = I want to compete but have no clue what the process is, 10 = I want to compete and completely understand what I need to do to get there)
No Clue
Got it!
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What would you like to see more of in class?
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What would you like to see less of in class?
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Rank this statement: Regarding my current skill level, I understand what I need to do to get better, (this is not a trick question. If you feel lost in your game with no clue how to improve mark 0. If you feel like you understand what you need to do to improve mark 10)
No Clue
I Understand
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Is there anything that I could outline or explain better to get you to a “10” on the previous question? What information or elements of training could I improve to give you a better roadmap for progress?
Is there anything that has stood out to you as something that has increased your engagement with and enthusiasm for the program?
Is there anything that has stood out to you as something that has decreased your engagement and enthusiasm for the program?
Please list any additional class types you would like to see (drills, Jiu Jitsu movement and warm ups, open mat, etc.)
What additional specific classes and times would be beneficial to your training (e.g. a _____ class on _____ day at _____ time)
Any additional suggestions or comments.
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