Call for Membership | COFS 2024 - 2025
The Coalition of Organizations, Fraternities, and Sororities (COFS) is a highly functioning coalition that is critical in achieving the foundation of organizations, fraternities, and sororities, for efforts and programs to amass community and leadership support.

In order to be eligible to be a member of COFS, you must be a UPM-based organization, accreditation is not necessarily required but highly encouraged. Both University-based and College-based organizations may sign up to be part of COFS.

The information in this form will also be used to create a database of UPM organization names and emails that will be accessible for all COFS members as well as an interest check on most-awaited events such as All Org's Fair, UPM Fiesta, etc.

You may view a copy of the COFS constitution here.

For concerns, please contact us through the USC's official email: For urgent concerns, you may contact Vice Chairperson and COFS Convenor Maria Ysabelle Briones,
Email *
Data Privacy Act
In accordance to R.A. 10173, otherwise known as the Data Privacy Act of 2012 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations,

I give permission to the Coalition of Organizations Fraternities and Sororities (COFS) to collect, store, and use the data from my responses for the purpose and needs stated in this form.

I confirm that the data that I have provided in this form are true and correct.

By giving your consent, you recognize and authorize COFS to:
1. Use your personal data collected in this form for the activities organized by ALL COFS members
2. Collect and store an online copy of your data

I recognize that the COFS has taken the necessary precautions to protect my personal data.
Data Privacy Consent Form *
Organization Name *
Organization Abbreviation *
Organization Email *
Alternate emails (if applicable)
You may choose to include externals email of the organization or other emails that the organization uses.
Organization Facebook Page Link
Is your organization accredited in UP Manila? (As of A.Y. 2023 - 24) *
If you are a college-based organization, what college are you accredited in?
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