Copyright Infringement
This Notice should be used if you believe in good faith someone is infringing your copyright. Partial web scrapping, rss feed pulls, api pulls and content enrichment itself with attribution is not a copyright infringement.
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I declare, UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, that: I am the owner, or an agent authorized to act on behalf of the owner, of the copyrighted work described below:
Owner's Name *
Copyright Registration Number
Copyright Registration Country
Copyrighted Work: *
Company Information *
Content Location *
Please indicate where the content is located
Nature of Infringement *
Please describe the nature of infringement.
Contact Email *
Contact Phone *
Digital Signature
By submitting this Notice and entering my signature below, I confirm that I have read and understand the contents of the Notice of Copyright Infringement form

Typing your full name in this box will act as your digital signature:*
Full Name: *
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