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24-25 H.A.W.K.S. Reporting Form
These reporting forms are checked regularly during the school day. If you submit a report after 4:00 PM, the report will be viewed the next work day by administration at the building.  If your report is an urgent concern for someone’s safety or for your own safety, please contact a trusted adult immediately who can help right away, or call 911.
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Not sure if you are contacting the right person?  See below for help
Student name
Please understand if you don't share your name, it is very hard for us to investigate.  Only administrators see what is reported, your name will be kept confidential. Having your name will help us help you and your friends!
Homeroom Teacher
Description of the situation to the best of your ability.  Give as many details as you can. *
What do you want as a result of sharing this situation?
How long has this been going on and/or how many times has this happened? *
Have you told a teacher about this? *
Which teacher have you told?
Who completed the form?
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This form was created inside of Wilmette Public Schools District 39. Report Abuse