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Long COVID Care Provider Review Form
The purpose of this form is to provide a review or recommendation for a doctor (or other care provider) that has treated you as a long COVID patient.  The data will be added to a forthcoming website that will serve as a directory for people with long COVID who are seeking care. 

Consent Statement:
By submitting this form, you agree to have your review included on our website, which will serve as a directory for people with long COVID seeking care.
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Email *
What is the name of the care provider? *
What is their specialty (e.g. GP, neurologist, acupuncturist)?
What is their gender? *
Where are they located (country, state, city)?
Were you offered a virtual appointment?
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Do they accept health insurance?
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Do they accept medicaid?
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How easy was it to get an appointment?
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Approximately when did you last see this provider?
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Do they prescribe medication for long COVID symptoms?
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What long COVID symptoms have they treated you for?
How would you rate this provider on a scale of 1 to 5? *
What other information about this provider would you like to share?
What is your name? (Put "anonymous" if you would like to have your name left off the directory)
Where would you like the $15 donation to be sent on your behalf? *
If Other, please enter below
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