Taylors Falls Recreation  General Application
Taylors Falls Boat Tours, Taylors Falls Canoe & Kayak Rental & Wildwood Campground
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Email *
Full Name *
Address, City, State, Zip
Cell Phone # *
Second Phone #
Are you legally able to be employed in the U.S? *
Which company are you applying to? *
If you have worked for one of our companies before which did you work at?
Taylors Falls Boat Tours
Taylors Falls Canoe & Kayak Rental
Wildwood Campground
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If so when did you work for us?
Are you 18 or older? *
If not 18 years old or older, what is your date of birth?
School you most recently attended
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If graduated, what is your degree?
What days are you available to work? *
Any shift
Opening shift
Closing Shift
Not available
How many hours per week would you like to work  *
1 st Professional Reference-Please list the Company Name
Supervisor Name & Number
Date of Employment
Job Description
Reason for Leaving
2nd Professional Reference-Please list the Company Name
Supervisor Name & Number
Date of Employment
Job Description
Reason for Leaving
Personal Reference-Name & Phone Number
Relation to you
How long have you known this person?
Do you have any health problems or disabilities that would affect your employment?
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If yes, please explain:
Please provide us with any additional information that you feel may be relevant to your employment here.
If we would like to have you in for an interview, how would you like to be contacted? *
APPLICANT’S STATEMENT Please Read Before Signing 1. I hereby affirm that the information provided on this application (and accompanying resume, if any) is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and agree that falsified information or significant omissions may disqualify me from further consideration for employment and may be considered justification for dismissal if discovered at a later date. 2. I authorize persons, schools, current employer (if applicable), and previous employers and organizations named in this application (and accompanying resume, if any) to provide Taylors Falls Recreation with any relevant information, personal or otherwise, including grade transcripts, that may be required to arrive at an employment decision, and I release all parties, including Taylors Falls Recreation, from any liability for any damages that may result from furnishing such information. 3. In consideration of employment, I agree to conform to the rules and regulations of Taylors Falls Recreation and my employment and compensation can be terminated, with or without notice, at any time, at the option of either the Company or myself. I have read the above statement. *
Initials *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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