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Mailboxes & Beyond Employment Application 
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Last Name, First 
Email Address
Current Street Address (Include city, state and zip code) 
Telephone Number 
Are you a U.S. Citizen or otherwise authorized to work U.S. on an unrestricted basis? (you may be required to provide documentation)  
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Have you ever been convicted of a felony? 
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If you answered yes to the previous question, please describe conditions.(This will not necessarily affect your application.)
Are you currently employed? 
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May we contact your present employer? 
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Are you looking for full-time or part-time?
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How many hours can you work per week? 
Are you available Mon-Sat 8:30 to 6:30? 
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If you answered No to the previous question, What hours are you available? 
What date can you start employment? 
What is your desired position or department? 
What is your desired starting salary? 
Please list any applicable skills you have
Can you lift at least 40lbs? 
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Can you stand on your feet for at least 4 hours straight? 
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Do you have a valid drivers license? 
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Rate your computer skills from 1 to10 
no confidence
extremely confident
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Have you ever lost a job due to attendance? 
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If you answered yes to the previous question, please explain
Where did you attend high school? (type N/A only if not applicable) 
what was your start date and what was your end date? 
Please type in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy to mm/dd/yyyy (or present)
Did you graduate? 
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Did you attend College? (type N/A if not applicable) 
what was your start date and when did you finish/leave?
please answer in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy to mm/dd/yyyy (or present)
did you graduate? 
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Have you attended trade or other school? 
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If yes to previous question, where, when and did you graduate? 
Please list any scholastic honors received and offices held in school 
Are you planning to continue your studies? 
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If answered yes to previous question, where and what courses of study? 
Where were you employed last? Name and location 
What was your start date and when did you leave? 
answer in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy to mm/dd/yyyy (or present) 
What was your salary? 
What was your position?
What was the reason for leaving? 
May we contact this employer? 
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List name and phone number for us to contact 
Where were you employed before your previous job? Name and location 
what was your start date and when did you leave? 
type in following format: mm/dd/yyyy to mm/dd/yyyy (or present) 
What was your salary? 
What was your position? 
Why did you leave? 
May we contact this employer? 
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List name and phone number for us to contact 
In addition to your work history, what are some skills, qualifications or experience we should consider? 
List name of personal reference, not related to you, that you have known longer than a year(#1)
List their phone number below 
How many years have you known them? 
How do you know this person?
Have they worked with you? 
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List name of personal reference, not related to you, that you have known longer than a year (#2)
List their phone number 
How many years have you known them? 
How do you know this person? 
Have they worked with you? 
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List name of personal reference, not relate to you, that you have known longer than a year (#3) 
List phone number for this person 
How many years have you known them 
How do you know them? 
Have they worked with you?
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I certify that all information provided by me on this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and that I have withheld nothing that, if disclosed, would after the integrity of this application.
I authorize my previous employers, schools, or persons listed as references to give any information regarding employment or educational record. I agree that this company and my previous employers will not be held liable in any respect if a job offer is not extended, or is withdrawn, or employment is terminated because of false statements, omissions, or answers made by myself on this application. In the event of any employment with this company, I comply with all rules an regulations as set by the company in any communication distributed to the employees. 

I understand that employment at this company is "at will," which means that either I or this company can terminate the employment relationship at any time, with or without prior notice, and for any reason not prohibited by statue. All employment is continued on that basis. I hereby acknowledge that I have read and understand the above statements. 
Date you completed this application 
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