You have completed the thirteen lessons of the Bible Course which we trust has been enlightening to you. It is our hope that the things you have learned from the Bible will stick with you, and that you will take all the necessary steps to put your life in harmony with them without delay.
The purpose of this study is to see how well you have learned the lessons you have been studying. It is the summary, or sum total, of all the lessons placed before you in question form, the answers of which, if correct, will give you a clear picture of the New Testament teaching. We ask you to place yourself in the position of being the object of the New Testament teaching as you answer these questions. We urge you to obey it right away as you become aware of your condition and God’s will for you.
In answering these questions feel free to use your Bible or even the previous lessons which you have completed and we have returned to you. Use whatever means you desire so long as you give Bible answers to the questions.