Tracking Contract Restrictions on the Use of AI on Licensed Content 
Your submissions will be used be SPARC to better understand the prevalence of AI restrictions and libraries' success in pushing back on these terms. You can provide updated submissions across different points in time if you library has relevant experiences after your initial submission.
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Your name *
Your institution *
Has your library encountered contract language restricting your institution from analyzing licensed content with AI / AI-based tools?
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If so, was your library able to weaken or remove this language in negotiations?
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If your library weakened this language in negotiations, please describe how.
If it is possible for you to share which vendor(s) attempted to restrict the use of AI tools for analyzing licensed content (i.e. the contracts aren't covered by an NDA), please describe those here.
If there is anything else you would like to share with us about your experience reviewing / negotiating such terms, please include that here.
Using the scale below, please rate how concerned you are about contract language restricting your institution from analyzing licensed content with AI / AI-based tools.
Not concerned
Extremely concerned
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If you'd be willing to speak with someone from SPARC about your experience related to these restrictions, please provide your email address.
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