TreeHost Sign Up Form
Sign up with us as a new collection point now to earn up to $150 on top of commissions!
Get a reward of $20 for each delivery you make, for up to 5 deliveries made over 2 months.
Complete 5 deliveries over 2 months and receive a bonus of $50!

For Home Deliveries, please head over to:
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Full Name *
What is your phone number? *
When is your birthday?
Full Delivery Address, include unit number. We will give priority to the first person of the block or condo. *
Do you have a TreeDots public WhatsApp group to coordinate GroupBuys with your customers? *
If Yes, could you please provide us the link to your WhatsApp group chat? If No, enter 'NIL'. *
If No, our TreeDots team will be making a public WhatsApp group for customers in your area
Delivery Information: Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday & Sunday
We will be opening up a recurring group buy for you on your preferred delivery dates. Suppliers who delivers on that day will also be available in your default group buy. Check out the delivery days via this link:
Any special remarks for delivery / dietary preferences? *
Please be there at least 10 minutes BEFORE the delivery time if delivery is at the drop off point for smoother delivery.
How did you hear about us? *
Do you have any questions regarding this program?
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