Lenses Staff Editor Application
Lenses is a 100% teen-organized news platform that provides teenagers with the chance to share their thoughts and beliefs about the headlines that we see on a daily basis. Through a combination of long and short form articles, as well as short descriptions of important daily news on our social media, we intend to help all teenagers stay informed about the world around them and to learn about what other Gen-Z members think when it comes to each of these issues.

We are looking for staff editors who are comfortable with editing articles written by our staff writers prior to publication. Lenses Editors can expect to edit 4-5 articles a week but this number can widely change depending on the amount of articles ready on a certain week. Additionally, editors can help with our other teams (Tiktok, Newsletter) as they wish and write articles of their own.

If you have questions you can email us at lenses.news@gmail.com.

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School for 2023- 2024 *
Grade/Year for 2023- 2024 *
Where do you live? (City/State) *
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