Request a Brand to be Added to Cluey
Cluey is constantly adding brands based on a few factors such as brand popularity, impact data availability, and requests from Cluey users like you.

If you have a favorite household brand you'd like to see in Cluey, fill out the following info to help us prioritize requests - please note, if you have multiple brand requests - we ask that you submit multiple forms
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What's your email? *
What's the brand name? *
How would you categorize the products this brand makes? Check all that apply
Why would you like to see this brand scored in Cluey?
Thank you for taking the time to make a brand request!
Keep in mind that submitting a request does not guarantee that we'll add the brand to Cluey and please be patient with us 🙏 we're an early-stage startup with a lot to balance to serve you the best product possible!
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