MCU KinkBang Claims Sign Up
Claims Schedule:
Signups open: January 1, 2024
Claims: April 7, 2024

Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
Email *
Username (what pseudonym should we call you by) *
Are you Signing up as an Author or Artist?   *
Can we put you on our beta and/or sensitivity reader list?
Requests for either/both will be emailed by the mods, with proper tags/warnings, summary, and what the requester is needing.
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Can we put your on our pinch hitter list?
Requests for pinch hitters will be emailed by the mods, with proper tags/warnings, and summary.
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Profile URL (DW, AO3, or other). Please separate URLs with semicolons. *
Were you born before Oct 1, 2005? *
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