CMU NSBE Chapter Dues 2022-2023
Please fill out all the required information in order to confirm that you have indeed paid your chapter dues AND to make you an official CMU NSBE member!!!
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Email *
What is your first and last name? *
What is your Andrew ID/ Email? *
If you are a current student at CMU, please enter your Andrew ID. If not, respond with an email.
Have you paid your national dues? 
(If you want to be eligible to attend events like Fall Regional Conference and National Convention, you must pay national dues)
DISCLAIMER: ($5 for people who paid NSBE national dues, $15 for people who didn't pay NSBE national dues)
To learn how to pay your national dues, click this link:
What is your NSBE ID? *
If you answered yes to the previous question, then enter your assigned NSBE ID. If you answered no, put "N/A"
Select your Payment Method *
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