Discord Application - The Wandering Pro
Welcome to The Wandering Pro Discord Application.

The goal of this group is to enable people with accessible information and hands on guidance - coming from a place of passion.

- Passion to see people succeed in their careers. 
- Passion to reignite the love for innovation. 
- Passion to uplift and strive regardless of the environment.

This group is for folks with an entrepreneurial drive behind their pursuit to professional excellence.

In words of Seth Godin, this is a tribe.

Since this is a closed off group, we have a vetting process to let people in.
Right now the only expectation from you is to be an active member and collaborate with others in the tribe.

If this feels too cultish, then go for this: Read More

See you in there!
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Email *
Name - Optional
Discord Username - Optional
Where are you in life professionally speaking? *
LinkedIn Profile - Optional
Freelancing Profiles and Portfolio URLs (Please list as many as you can). Feel free to provide explanation as needed.
Current monthly income *
If requested, will you be willing to provide proof of your income stated above?  *
What is your Nationality/Country of Residence? *
What service niche do you align with the most?
How much work experience do you have in your specific domain?
Note: Experience only counts if you are earning using your skillset.
Create Your Learning Goal *
Explain your goal in as much detail as possible
Note: This reply will help me develop a plan of action for you if you get accepted in the group.
Please provide any feedback on the application as you see fit. - Optional
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