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New Roots Cooperative Farm CSA - Customer Feedback Survey
Thank you for taking the time to complete this short (5 minute) survey to help us gain a better understanding of how well our CSA services are meeting your needs, and what we can do to improve your customer experience.

We are grateful for your support, and look forward to another great season with our CSA!
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What was your New Roots CSA pick-up location? *
Please indicate your overall level of satisfaction with the following aspects of your CSA share:
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
The quality of the produce in the share
The size of the share (quantity of produce)
The diversity of the produce in the share
The share price
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How much do you agree with the following statement?: "The New Roots CSA was able to meet all of my weekly produce needs throughout the current growing season."
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If you had to buy additional produce throughout the current growing season, where did you purchase other produce from (check all that apply)?
What, if any, were the biggest barriers to picking up your CSA share (check all that apply)?
How likely are you to recommend the New Roots Cooperative Farm CSA to a friend or family member?
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Are you planning to participate in the New Roots Cooperative Farm CSA again next season ? *
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