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Ending the Epidemic & COVID -19
From the ACT NOW: END AIDS (ANEA) Coalition.

This survey is for HIV/AIDS community-based organizations, health departments,  and leaders involved in federal, state, local, and community-driven Ending the Epidemic (EHE & EtE) initiatives that are continuing to innovate their community engagement, HIV prevention, and treatment services around the COVID-19 pandemic.

This survey will help ANEA advocate for community-specific, state-wide, and/or federal resources that are relevant to the needs or trends that emerge from the responses collected.

"EtE', ending the epidemic, is the framework ANEA uses to describe independent community-led initiatives. For more information on jurisdictions implementing community-led EtE plans click this link

"EHE" refers to jurisdictions funded under the US federal initiative announced in February of 2019— Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America. For more information on jurisdictions named in the federal Ending the HIV Epidemic initiative, (EHE) click this link

Community engagement is defined as activities that center the meaningful involvement of people living with HIV and those vulnerable to the virus. Such activities include civic engagement, EtE/EHE planning councils, town-halls, and building leadership opportunities for said communities.

We will accept responses until January 15th, 2021 at 5 PM EST.
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Which best describes your Ending the Epidemic efforts?
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Part of the Fast-Track-Cities initiative
In the planning phase of new jurisdictional EtE/EHE plan
In the implementation phase of new jurisdictional EtE/EHE plan
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What jurisdictions or geographic location do you represent?
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What are your biggest organizational needs to meet your End the Epidemic goals throughout the COVID-19 pandemic?
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Have you experienced challenges to any of the following during the course of the pandemic?
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Resuming ending the epidemic meetings with community members while maintaining physical distancing and other COVID-19 safety precautions
Accessing funds for new technological costs associated with providing community members with the devices, software, and training necessary to participate in remote meetings
Communicating with health departments about the progress and status of local Ending the Epidemic programs/funds
Securing competent language access services to non-english speakers
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Are there any other barriers to community-engagement in your organization or jurisdiction that you'd like to highlight?
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In response to COVID-19, has your organization's Ending the Epidemic program done any of the following? Check all that apply.
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Indefinitely re-assigned staff to COVID-19 response roles
Cancelled planning council, trainings, or other related meetings for the indefinite future
Laid off related staff
Cancelled or rescheduled events geared at gathering feedback from key community members
Held virtual town halls, trainings, or listening sessions
Distributed mutual-aid funds to participants for basic needs (food, housing, etc.)
Distributed technology to participants for virtual engagement (phones, tablets, laptops, wifi-hotspots, etc.)
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Are there any other innovations to your organization's work that emerged in response to the pandemic that you'd like to highlight?  
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What would you like to see your health department do to improve End the Epidemic community engagement at this time?
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If your organization offers direct services to clients, have you experienced any complications in providing any of the following (check all that apply):
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PrEP/PEP Initiation and Follow-Up
HIV and STI Testing, Treatment, and Care
Substance Use/ Harm Reduction Services
Mental and Psychosocial Health Services
Access to Laboratory Monitoring for Clients
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If you would like to elaborate on any of your survey responses please do so here.
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Which best describes your Ending the Epidemic efforts?
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What jurisdictions or geographic location do you represent?
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What are your biggest organizational needs to meet your End the Epidemic goals throughout the COVID-19 pandemic?
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Have you experienced challenges to any of the following during the course of the pandemic?
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Are there any other barriers to community-engagement in your organization or jurisdiction that you'd like to highlight?
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In response to COVID-19, has your organization's Ending the Epidemic program done any of the following? Check all that apply.
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Are there any other innovations to your organization's work that emerged in response to the pandemic that you'd like to highlight?  
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What would you like to see your health department do to improve End the Epidemic community engagement at this time?
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If your organization offers direct services to clients, have you experienced any complications in providing any of the following (check all that apply):
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If you would like to elaborate on any of your survey responses please do so here.
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