Summer 2022 Retreat Registration Form
Please fill out this form for yourself or family group to register for the summer retreat. Once you have calculated your fees, please send or bring a check, no later than July 20, 2022, to:
Chinese Community Church, 500 I Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001

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Email *
Name *
Address *
Phone *
Fees: All fees based on full occupancy per room (In parentheses, the "Early Bird Rate" is listed, which you can receive if you have paid by June 26, 2022)
Adult in apartment: $160 ($150 early bird)
Student (teen) or adult in dorm: $120 ($110 early bird)
Child (5 - 12) in apartment: $120 ($110 early bird)
Children under 5 in apartment: Free (Free early bird)

Family maximum: $550 ($500 early bird)
This rate applies to family members living in the same household.
Indicate the number of people in your family
Adults (older than 18)
Teens (13 - 18)
Children (5 - 12)
Children under 5
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Your fee total *
If you are unsure of your total, please write a "?" and the registrar will contact you.
Names of adults (older than 18) in your family (including yourself)
Please separate each name by commas
Names of teens (ages 13 - 18) in your family
Please separate each name by commas
Names of older children (ages 5 - 12) in your family
Please separate each name by commas
Names of young children (under age 5) in your family
Please separate each name by commas
Please list any roommate requests
For example, "Name One wants to room with Name Two"
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Estimated arrival time *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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