Pre viewing Questionnaire
The personal information you enter on this form will be used to assess whether or not you meet the referencing criteria for the property and may be discussed with the landlord of the property. Due to the high volume of applications, we are restricted on the number of viewings that can be conducted. If your application to view the property is accepted by the landlord we aim to contact you in the next 3-5 working days to arrange a mutually convenient viewing slot. Please be aware that it is not always possible to reply to every applicant, therefore, if you do not hear back from us in this time frame it is because we are unable to progress to a viewing at this stage.
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Full Name(s) of all adult applicants *
Date of Birth(s) *
Email address *
Current Address *
Phone number *
First line of the address you wish to view *
Who will live at the property with you? *
Do you have any pets? *
Are you aware of any adverse credit e.g. County Court Judgements (CCJ's) or past legal proceedings against you that may affect your potential application? *
What is your current employment status? *
For Employed Applicants
Please provide the information below regarding your employment
Annual Salary? (If you will be living with a partner please note joint income in this section)
For Unemployed Applicants
Please provide the information below regarding your benefit income
How much benefit income do you receive including your housing award each month?
Do you have access to a Guarantor?  Please note Guarantor's need to be based in the UK, must have a clear credit history, own their own home and have an annual income which equates to 36 x the monthly rent.  Example: £600.00 rent - Guarantor has to earn over £21,600 per annum. *
If you have access to a Guarantor please choose from the options below to best describe their personal circumstances?
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If the landlord of the property that you are enquiring about wants us to conduct a home visit on your current property to assess your suitability, would you be agreeable to this?
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