HTLC 2024 Conference Proposal Submission
Holistic Teaching & Learning Conference (HTLC)
  • Conference Theme: Flourishing Together: Embracing Urgency & Grounding in Community
  • Conference Date: Thursday, April 18th -  Sunday, April 21st, 2024
  • Proposals Due: December 20th, 2023 (Extended Deadline).
    Notification emails will be sent to the session organizer (primary presenter) via email by January 18th, 2024. All selected presenters must accept the invitation and register for the conference. 
  • Conference Format: We plan to hold an in-person conference. 
  • Conference Location: Southern Oregon University (SOU), Ashland, Oregon
  • Cost for Attendance (includes all sessions and lunch): To Be Announced
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Session Title *
Session Description for Conference Program:
Please describe the session in 30 words or less for use in the conference program. Be precise in describing the content of the session to aid attendees in selecting topics relevant to their interests. The summary may be edited by the conference committee. 
Please list 3 keywords or short phrases to capture the essence of your session. 
The 2024 Conference theme is Flourishing Together: Embracing Urgency & Grounding in Community.

Under which strand does your presentation best align?  If you feel as though your presentation fits under more than one strand, please select all that apply. This information will be used to organize the session program and balance the strands.
Primary Presenter (Name) *
Institution/Affiliation *
Email *
Contact Phone Number  *
Address *
Country *
Additional Presenter(s):
Please include first and last name, title, institution, email address, and phone number for each additional presenter.

If you are a single presenter, please write NONE. 
Which category would be most appropriate for your session?

Poster, provide an opportunity to showcase your work with casual poster and Q&A.

Roundtable, presentations will be scheduled for 30 minutes and would be appropriate for topics in a presentational or conversational format.

Experiential/Interactive, sessions will be scheduled for 50 - 60 minutes and are intended to feature activities, demonstrations, and other forms of engagement.

(Please note: The program committee will assign session formats based on overall scheduling parameters.)
Proposal Description:
In 250 words or less, please provide a summary of your presentation. If you choose an experiential/interactive presentation, be sure to include how this presentation will include engaging activities.
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