Selecting Economics as a Major or Minor
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Thank you for your interest in economics and the Occidental Economics Department!
Last Name *
First Name *
Preferred Gender Pronouns *
Your Oxy e-mail (be sure to check regularly for departmental announcements) *
Year you plan to graduate *
Do you wish to complete an economics major or minor? *
Please indicate below your possible career interests (You may check more than one interest.) *
Did you know that the Oxy Econ website suggests possible electives based upon your career interests?
What was the #1 factor that influenced your decision to major/minor in Economics? Feel free to answer briefly in 1-4 sentences. *
Attention majors - spend some time thinking about and then talking to your preferred economics advisor. Make sure to obtain your new advisor's signature, before requesting the chair's signature on your major declaration form.                                                                                                                              
When searching for an advisor, it may help to look at faculty research and teaching interests here: Please feel free to email a faculty member (even if you have not met them before!) to introduce yourself and inquire if they have any open spots to accept new advisees.
Who would you like to select as your advisor? (Remember to have your advisor sign your major declaration form before requesting the chair's signature.) *
Who would you like to select as your advisor? (Remember to have your advisor sign your major declaration form before requesting the chair's signature.) *
Take the time to browse through our department website at  to learn more about Economics at Oxy. Be sure to read the detailed information on our requirements and our recommendation for course selections.
Please check the box below to verify that you understand the College requires a 2.0 major GPA in order to graduate. *
Please check the box below to verify that you understand the that Calculus 1 is included in the calculation of the Econ major GPA because it is a required course for the major. *
Please check the box below to verify that you understand the Second Stage Writing Requirement must be satisfied *within* the Econ Dept if you are a major. (This is true even if you are a double-major.) *
Note: if you are a double-major, you must still satisfy the Second Stage Writing requirement in Econ even if it's satisfied in your other major.
Which courses in the Econ Dept have you already completed? (Include calculus and statistics if you have completed them.) *
Please (tentatively) map the economics classes that you still need to complete for your major/minor in your remaining semesters. Include when you plan to complete calculus and statistics if you have not already done so. Make sure to indicate if you plan to be abroad  or off campus for one or more semesters.
Classes in your Sophomore fall: *
Classes in your Sophomore spring: *
Classes in your Junior fall: *
Classes in your Junior spring: *
Classes in your Senior fall: *
Classes in your Senior spring: *
Which course do you intend to use for your second stage writing requirement (junior writing requirement)? This requirement has to be completed by your junior year! *
For additional information about Economics at Oxy, please check out the Economics Student Association at and
The next step to becoming an economics major or minor is to fill out your major/minor declaration form. Make sure to sign the form and get your advisor signature (on major declaration form) before you send it to, so the current chair can sign it. The signed form will be sent back to you via email so you can forward it to the Registrar's Office.
Thanks a lot for taking this survey!
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