Pop Pantheon listener survey
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Which artists would you love to see covered on Pop Pantheon?
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What topics would you like Pop Pantheon to cover on B-Side episodes?
Do you have a favorite episode or guest?
Would you join a Patreon that provided additional Pop Pantheon content?
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How much would you pay for one bonus episode per month + other perks?
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What kind of exclusive content excites you most:
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Which city or town do you live in? (Include state / province and country)
Which category below includes your age?
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What's your gender identity
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How would you describe your sexuality?
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How much total combined money did all members of your HOUSEHOLD earn last year?
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Of the following options, which one best describes your race? 
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What is the highest level of school you have completed or the highest degree you have received?
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Any other feedback you want the Pop Pantheon team to know?
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