Cyberian Mine S9 Options
Due to current Market Conditions we want to give our community some options for their S9 Machines.

It is possible that either Bitcoin price will recover, or difficulty will fall and therefor your machines will be profitable again soon - but in the meantime these are your options:

1. Request that we set your machines to the most efficient mode on AsicSeer: ~800w (€34 a month) - with Maximised TH of 10TH+ depending on how the individual machine copes with this optimisation.
2. Request to stop mining with your machines, and start mining again when the market recovers.

Please note that S9K and S9SE models do not work with AsicSeer

We will prioritise those who reply first - and commit to making the changes before December 1st for all those who submit their requests this week.

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Email *
Your Name *
What are the "worker numbers" of the machines you want to switch to eco mode. *
What are the "worker numbers" of the machines you want to stop mining with *
We can keep your machine in our facilities for up to 90 days. At that point we will review the situation with you - we will be able to offer a small recovery amount to take the machines from you, or you can pay a fixed cost for storage in the hope that the machines become profitable again. Either way you can put your machines on the Marketplace from the moment you choose to switch them off:
Any special information or requests?
Signature (Type out your first name in CAPITALS, to agree to the option your selected. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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