ISIRA Reporting 2019
The International Science Initiative in the Russian Arctic (ISIRA) is a Russian and international cooperative initiative to assist Arctic science and sustainable development in the Russian Arctic.

ISIRA Reports are meant to provide an account of relevant projects related to the Russian Arctic. Such information can help with coordination and connections between those doing research in the Russian Arctic.

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Type of Activity: *
Name of Activity *
Status of Activity *
Years of Activity
Name of lead person *
Institution of lead person *
Email of lead person
Other Activity Partners?
Which countries are participating in the activity? Please select all that apply. *
Which disciplinary areas does this activity cover? Please select all that apply.
Geographic Area of Interest
Latitude / Longitude of Area of Interest
Scientific Description / Abstract *
Link to Activity Website
Any other information about the activity that you would like to contribute...
European General Data Protection Compliance Statement *
This form is collecting data on behalf of IASC ( to be used in reporting of scientific activities in the Russian Arctic. All information submitted will be shared on the IASC website for the broader Arctic science community and submitters will be invited to join the ISIRA mailing list if an email address is provided.
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