Are you still offering goods/ services? Do you need support during this time?
Hello, we are Supply Change. We are on a mission to help social enterprises win more work and increase their impact.

We know a lot of social enterprises and community businesses have been badly affected by the Covid19 emergency and we want to let buyers know how to support or continue to buy from you.

We are collecting this information to add to an open-source directory that will be distributed to our network and more widely through social media.
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What's the name of your organisation? *
What's your website? *
What's your email address? *
We will add this to a public document, please use your organisation's email
This support is for social businesses or community organisations. Please confirm you are one of these: *
Please describe your impact in 1 line *
Please provide a 1 liner/ list of the good/service you are offering at this time
Do you need any financial/ non-financial support? Please provide a 1 line description or list of your needs  (please include links where relevant)
You may have a crowdfunding page, an emergency appeal, the need for equipment etc..
Anything else you would like to add?
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Are you interested in becoming a Supply Change Supplier?
We'll be in touch about how you can sign up
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