Rewriting the Story: Addressing Racism and Health Challenges in Black Communities - A CARM Student Webinar 2025
Date: January 27th
Time: 12:00pm to 2:00pm EST
What to bring: An inquiring mind and your related health questions!

What is it about? 
The Caribbean African Regenerative Medicine Project invites you to a two day online webinar titled Exploring the Problems and Discussing Solutions to the Healthcare Issues that Most Affect African, Caribbean, and Black Canadians.

Note: This registration form is for Day 1:
Theme: Representation and Racism in Healthcare

Join us as we delve into critical discussions on the importance of representation in healthcare for African, Caribbean, and Black (ACB) communities. The sessions will cover:

- What we mean by “representation” in healthcare, and why it matters?
- The Added Benefits of Racial and Cultural Representation in Healthcare for ACB Communities
- How does racism appear in healthcare?

This day offers a unique opportunity for community members to engage with experts, ask questions, and understand how structural issues like racism impact healthcare access and outcomes for ACB communities.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the CARM Project Manager at 

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What best describes you?  
Are you currently affiliated with an organization that is centred around black communities? 

*If this is not true for you, please input "none"*
How did you hear about this CARM event? 
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Would you like to receive email updates about this and future CARM events? 
Interested in learning more?
Please check out the CARM website for more information on these and past events. You will also find information for ACB communities and medical professionals, clinicians and researchers. 
Thank You!
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