Yaga shop / food stall application
Would you like to participate in Yaga Gathering with your shop or food stall? Go ahead and fill the form.

Yaga aims to deliver diverse culinary and shopping experience for participants and valuable performance for the retailers. Since only a certain number of stalls allowed, applicants' selection will be taking place. Menu, prices, outlook and previous experience will be taken in consideration. Please answer all necessary questions as detailed as possible.

We would like, but can not promise to get back to everyone.

You may enter the answers in Lithuanian.
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Fees and additional costs (as of 2023; for orientation)
Restaurants - €1200 (includes 8 staff tickets, 3 kw electricity, two general parking permits and service car permit (allows to temporarily enter festivals territory to bring in supplies)

Chai/coffee shops  - €720 (includes 3 staff tickets, 2kw electricity, two general parking permits and service car permit (allows to  temporarily enter festivals territory to bring in supplies)

Food cart - €540 (includes 2 staff tickets, 1kw electricity, one general parking permit and service car permit (allows to temporarily enter festivals territory to bring in supplies)

Design shop - €250 (incl. 1 staff ticket, 0.25 kw electricity; one general parking permit and service car permit (allows to temporarily enter festivals territory to bring in supplies)

All extras should be purchased separately.

All retailers are charged €250 (design shop €150) deposit as a contract guarantee which is returned after all obligations are fulfilled.
Choose a category *
All retailers fall into one of the following categories, please select one which suits you best. Selling alcohol is not allowed to any.
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