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Secular AZ Rural School Board Watchdogs
Is there a school district in Arizona that needs attention? Do you live in a community where evangelical extremists have taken over board meetings? Or perhaps are you already tracking your local school board(s), and want to share the goings-on of that meeting with other secular members and activists. If any of these things apply to you, please let us know!

We especially want to hear from our rural members and activists. If you're in a county other than Maricopa (or in suburban/rural districts in Maricopa) we especially want to hear from you!

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Phone Number (optional)
County *
What district(s) need attention from your perspective? *
What issue(s) in the district(s) are coming up at meetings? (check all that apply) *
Are you interested in writing summaries for your district(s) of interest? *
Are you interested in organizing volunteers for your district(s) of interest? *
Please add any other information that you think is important. 
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