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Yaga decoration / vjs application
Would you like to participate in Yaga Gathering with your project? Go ahead and fill the form. We would like, but can not promise to get back to everyone.
An extra point of evaluation will be given for using nature-friendly or secondary (recycled) materials (if relevant).
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* Indicates required question
Your answer
Your answer
Stage name (-s)
Your answer
Your answer
Tel. No
Your answer
Your answer
Your answer
Where do you need to travel from?
answer if it's different from where you live
Your answer
Artwork title
Your answer
Attach presentation, sketches, visualization, samples etc. (
click here to upload
) and provide a detailed explanation of the proposed work
we would love to see what's on your mind
Your answer
Do you have any experience in creating / installing / showing something similar?
Describe what expertise do you have or let us know if it's your first project.
Your answer
link to your online portfolio (if you have one)
Your answer
How many people will be involved in the project on site and off site (if relevant)?
How many people need to travel to an event and work on site in order for the project to materialize.
Your answer
How long will it take to prepare on site before the project can be exhibited and long long will it take do dismantle it?
Your answer
What do you expect to get from the event's production team?
please describe if you will need transport, manpower, materials, cables, lighting, electricity (kw), food, drinks. Be as detailed as possible.
Your answer
Remuneration for the project
What expenses you expect to be covered, how many invitations received and what fee to be paid?
Your answer
Would you like to mention anything else?
Your answer
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