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Stacks+Joules Building Automation Systems (BAS) Training Application 
The Henry Street Settlement and Stacks+Joules FREE Building Automation Systems (BAS) Training is for any New Yorker 18 or older (18-24) who wants to enter the rapidly growing sector of clean energy and climate management. Get high demand certifications and hard skills training toward jobs in heating/heat pumps, cooling, lighting controls, ventilation, air quality management, and more! Build your skills and learn a trade that will lead to greener, healthier, and more sustainable indoor environment management. Many salaries in these industries range from $40-$80k.

Complete the form below. Please ensure you are accurately providing all information. 


Sign up for our second information session by clicking BELOW. Zoom link will ONLY be sent after to participants who RSVP by clicking below and signing for an information session. 
CLICK HERE to sign up for an information session. 
DATE: January 16, 2025
DAY: Thursday
TIME: 11 AM to 12 PM (Noon)

**STEP 3 (OPTIONAL): If you would like to learn a bit more about the building automation field, you can read a quick article by clicking here or a YouTube video by clicking here

Thank you for your interest! 

If you have any questions or require additional support, please email Mahin by using or call 646.768.8837. 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First Name:  *
Last name:  *
Email address: *
Cell Phone:  *
Preferred pronouns:  *
What is your ethnicity? *
Address, City, and Zip Code:  *
Date of Birth *
Are you currently out of school and out of work? *
Why do you want to participate in this training? Feel free to provide as many details and thoroughness in your response! *
Which were your most favorite and least favorite subjects in school and why? 
In the past, have you ever participated in New York City Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD)'s Train & Earn, Learn & Earn, or Advance & Earn program?  *
Which area of focus in the building and facilities industry most interests you for securing a job at the end of the program?  Please select all that apply.
What is the highest level of education you completed? 
Are you authorized to work in the United States? *
Which forms of support do you need?  *
Do you or your family receive any support or are affiliated with any of the following public assistance programs below? Check all that apply to the best of your knowledge.  *
Are you available to commit to training from Tuesday to Friday, 12 noon to 5 pm, in-person? The training will begin on March 10, 2024 and end on June 27, 2025.  The schedule is below.

Biweekly Mondays, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Professional Development (PD) Workshops 
Tuesdays-Fridays, 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Training Classes 
Please confirm. 

Are you part of any Henry Street's existing program?  *
Do you have any licenses or certifications? 
Please put N/A if you do not or are unsure. 
Do you have a driver's license?  *
OPTIONAL RESUME SUBMISSION: Use the Dropbox link below to attach your resume. We highly encourage you to upload your resume because it will allow us to get to know your professional background and provide assistance with your resume ahead of time! Use the link if you would like to attach your resume.  *
How did you learn about this program?

If you were directed by a staff member from Henry Street Settlement, please make sure you provide their full name. 

For other organizations outside of Henry Street, please provide the organization's name, the name of the individual who referred you along with their role - to best of your knowledge. 
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