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Standards Practice Level 1
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Which of the following types of manure may be used on a CNG farm?  
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Which of the following factors should be considered when determining appropriate buffers for a CNG field adjacent to a conventional farm?
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When is it ok for a CNG farmer to use pelleted seed?
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What prohibited ingredient should growers make sure is not in their potting mix?
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Polyfilm (plastic mulch) is allowed in CNG production, but must be removed at the end of each season.  
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If 75% of a CNG farmer’s seeds are organic they are in compliance. No additional steps are necessary.  
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Biodegradable mulch (biofilm) is allowed in CNG production with certain restrictions.
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Can a CNG farmer use an input that isn’t OMRI listed?
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CNG farmers are ONLY allowed to use potting mix that is OMRI-listed.
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What is the typical minimum buffer width between a CNG farm field and an area of potential contamination (roadside, conventional neighbor, etc.)?
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How many seed sources does a CNG grower need to check with before they can buy conventional seed for a particular variety?
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Does CNG require annual soil tests?
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When does CNG REQUIRE a soil or foliar test?
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A CNG farmer can use conventional cover crop seed if they aren’t able to find reasonably priced organic seed.
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When is it ok for a CNG farmer to use treated seeds?
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Can CNG farmers buy transplants off-farm?
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Is it ok for a CNG farmer to mix finished compost into their potting mix?
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A CNG farmer wants to grow Nantes carrots, but their main seed supplier doesn’t carry organic Nantes seeds. What is their best option?
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What is another name for the Manure Rule?
1 point
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Is it ok for a CNG farmer to mix raw manure into their potting mix?
1 point
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