39th Annual Nashville MLK Day 2024 

Join us as our community comes together to pay homage to the life nd works of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr and his fight for social justice and civil rights.

Our theme for 2024: Why We Can't Wait: Activating Our Power for Equity in Justice. We will center the 2024 events around the six principals of non-violence and Dr. Martin Luther King’s book Why We Can't Wait, a classic exploration of the events and forces behind the Civil Rights Movement.

We hope you will join us as we celebrate the 38th anniversary of the Nashville MLK Day events.

Please sign up your group to help us keep track of all our participating members for the march. 

We will have a community banner day to create banners for your group to march with the day of!

January 10th, Wednesday at Hadley Park Community Center 5-7:30 PM

2024 MLK Day March LINE UP information: 

January 15th Monday at Jefferson Street Missionary Baptist Church

2708 Jefferson St Nashville, TN 37208 -  9:00am—9:30am

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Name of Group Contact Person  *
Phone Number of Contact Person  *
Email Address of Contact Person  *
Name of Organization/Church/Community Group  *
What type of group do you belong too? 
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Will you be participating in the march? 
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Estimated amount of participants? 
Does your group have a marching banner? 
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Would you like to participate in our community banner making day? 
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