Examen nivelatorio

¡Te damos la bienvenida! Este es un examen nivelatorio que nos permite ver tu nivel de inglés. Una vez terminado, nos comunicaremos.

Te llevará alrededor de 20 minutos hacerlo.

¿Preguntas? Nuestro WhatsApp > +54 9 2234 56-8045

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Nombre *
Teléfono *
Replace the verbs in brackets in the correct tense by copying this text underneath. A variety of tenses will be needed, as well as some conditionals and imperatives; for be able use can/could where possible.

Dear Peter,


Do you by any chance (know) where Bob is? I (like) to find out because I (hear) of a job that exactly (suit) him, but if he (not apply) fairly soon, he (not get) it.

I last (see) him a month ago, when he ( just /leave) his job with the film company. He (say) he (go) to France for a holiday and (promise) to send me a postcard with his French address as soon as he (find) a place to stay. But I (hear) nothing since then and I (not know/ even) whether he (go) to France or not.

If you (know) his address, I (be) very grateful if you (call) me. I (try) calling you several times, but your phone (not seem) to be working.





Please translate the following sentences from English into Spanish:

1) Have any questions? We can help.

2) Once we receive your payment, we’ll process your application and send you details about your coverage.

Let us know more about you (in English). Are you still in High School? When did you graduate? Do you work? What is your English level? Tell us about your expectations regarding your future as a translator. *
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