Lead United Pre-Survey
Thank you for coming to Lead United! We are so grateful for the incredible nonprofits and community partners in attendance and want to make sure that this is a great experience for you. Please fill out the following pre-survey as we get our day kicked off and we will send a post survey at the end of the conference. Thank you for Leading United with us!
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What department do you currently work in?
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What are your main expectations for attending the Lead United Summit? (Check all that apply) 
How would you rate your current knowledge in Nonprofit Accounting Best Practices? 
I have no knowledge on this topic.
I am very knowledgeable on this topic.
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How would you rate your current knowledge in Nonprofit Outcomes, Measurements, and Community Impact? 
I have no knowledge on this topic.
I am very knowledgeable on this topic.
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How would you rate your current knowledge in Nonprofit Board and Governance? 
I have no knowledge on this topic.
I am very knowledgeable on this topic.
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Are you familiar with the keynote speaker, Alex Counts, and his book, "Changing the World Without Losing Your Mind"? 
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How did you hear about this event? 
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Additional Comments: Please share any specific topics or questions you hope to be addressed during the Summit. 
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