Makers Market May 2025
Event Timing: May 10th 12-5pm
Event Address: 1330 Klines Run Road Wrightsville PA 17603
Contact us at (717)817-2119 or
We are looking for handmade, small batch 
Vendor Fee $50
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Business Name *
Phone Number
Contact Name *
Email *
Website? *
Business Instagram? *
Business Facebook? *
Business Category *
Describe you business/product to us. *
Price Range of product? *
We will have some vendors under our 60X80 tent as well as people around the lawn area in their own 10X10 pop up tents.  *
I understand to fee to be a vendor is $50. *
I understand that upon expectance I will receive an email for payment and my spot is not confirmed until I make the payment. *
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