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1 On 1 Don Vo Mentorship Application
1 on 1 mentorship by Don Vo is not a product that can be purchased by everyone. It is an application process that only a select few whom are the right fit can gain access to. For everyone else wanting direct education please check out the ControllerFX Course which teaches Don & his trading strategy in full. It is a comprehensive guide to trading. For those who cannot or do not want to purchase the course please check out the FREE beginners guide & FREE daily educational livestreams on YouTube. 
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Please Provide Your Full Name *
What is your email address? *
This will be our contact method with you
What country are you from?  *
This is used to determine your time zone for scheduling purposes.
How long have you been trading for? *
Do you have any background in risking money or investing? *
If you are not new, tell us a little bit about your trading history? Expectations, experience different strategies you have tried, etc? Are you a swing trader, day trader, scalper?
What is your current profession?
What is holding you back in trading? Select all that apply or none
What do you hope to gain by working with Don 1 on 1? Why do you want this? What makes you a good fit
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