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Please fill this form out as accurately and as detailed as possible. Thank you!
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Pronouns *
Grade *
Cellphone *
Email (non school) *
Guardian Name *
Guardian Email *
Guardian Cell Phone *
Audition Date   *
Performing Experience *
Please let us know what roles you're open to auditioning for. 
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Are you comfortable with intimacy, such as a kiss, as called for in the script?  *
If you don't get cast in a leading role will you be willing to accept any role.  *
Do you take Private Voice? *
If you said YES, with whom and how long? If no, say NO. *
Do you take dance? *
If YES, with whom and what types? If no, please write NO. *
Are you willing to make The Prom your 1st priority from Dec 16- April 11th?  and can you attend all scheduled rehearsals and performances? *
What conflicts do you know of that we should be aware of. Things like performances, college visits, etc.  *
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