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Halloween Candy Map Sign up
Sign up here to participate in the Wilmington Park Halloween Candy Map- by filling this out, you agree to having your address advertised in a map and on social media or print advertisements. If situation changes and you cannot participate in Halloween, please turn off your house lights. Once the map is posted, no changes will be made.
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Correo *
Do you want to participate in Halloween at your home on October 31, 2023 as advertised on Facebook? (Participating means that random Costumed kids and adults may show up to your home on Halloween night and ask for candy. Trick or Treat) *
What is your address? *
What is todays date? *
Do you agree to be on the map and allow your address to be advertised in social media, print, etc.? (If no, please do not sign up. Just set up, turn on your porch light. You will not be on the map.) *
If you have changes to answers above, do you agree to email (If you do not get a reply, your email was not received.) *
By typing your name below, you agree that you are the person filling this out and that you have the legal right to sign up for this event that will publish your address. *
Se enviará una copia de tus respuestas por correo electrónico a la dirección que has proporcionado.
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