LWVOC Hot Topics Evaluation: "Black History Month: Lift Every Voice"  February 14, 2024                   
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How did you attend the Hot Topics this presentation? *
If you attended via Facebook Live or YouTube, please rate the quality below. 
Poor quality
Excellent quality
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Did you attend as a member or guest? *
If you attended as a guest, do you plan to join the LWVOC?
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What was the major reason you attended this Hot Topics luncheon? *
Please rate the importance of this presentation. *
Not important
Very important
Did you gain any new information or knowledge as a result of attending this presentation? *
Please rate the quality of the lunch served. *
Please rate the quality of the facility/location. *
Please rate the quality of the sound system. *
The luncheon program was worth the money you spent.  *
Completely disagree
Completely agree
The luncheon program was worth the time
you spent. 
Completely disagree
Completely agree
Do you plan to attend Hot Topics again? *
Definitely not
Most definitely
Please rate your overall satisfaction with this Hot Topics presentation and luncheon. *
Very dissatisfied
Very satisfied
What topics would interest you to be covered in future luncheons?
Will you recommend LWVOC Hot Topics to a friend? *
Absolutely not
How did you learn about Hot Topics? (Check all that apply) *
What recommendations do you have to improve Hot Topics?
Please provide any other comments you would feel beneficial for improving Hot Topics.
Demographics: Race
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Demographics: Age
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