AAJA-DC convention stipend application
The D.C. chapter is offering a few $500–$1,000 stipends for members who need financial assistance to attend this year's AAJA convention in Los Angeles. Please get your application in by May 15, 2022.
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Tell us why you want to go to the convention and what you hope to get out of it. *
Feel free to share anything else you'd like us to know.
Drop some links here to your resume/LinkedIn and any work samples you'd like to share.
What's your level of full-time experience in journalism? *
Are you an active dues-paying member of AAJA-DC? *
Your full name, title and employer *
Your email and cell *
Please use the email associated with your AAJA membership, if you have one.
Link to your social media accounts (ex. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram) *
We'll be asking stipend recipients to volunteer with the chapter at some point this year.  Let us know if there's anything specific you'd like to raise your hand for.
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