Wageningen Dance Collective Auditions- September 2023
Please fill in this form to register for open class and auditions on September 22th and 29th for WDC from 19:00-21:00! Please keep in mind that we have limited number of open spots available for accepting new members (this season we are looking for 10 people), so not everyone can or will be accepted. If you do not make it through this round, you are always welcome to try again during the spring auditions! 

You do not not need to prepare anything for these auditions. Just come with lots of energy and positive vibes! 💃🕺
The audition process would mainly be:
1. Learn an open-style piece
2. Learn a contemporary 
3. Freestyle rounds
Be on time for the class since we have a strict time schedule! Thank you :)

Time: WDC Weekly Friday Practices 19:00-21:00.
Place: Sports centre de Bongerd, Sport Hall 3. Please wait in front of the Bongerd to be picked up by one of our crew members. Therefore, please be on time because we have to enter the Bongerd together!

By signing up for this sport activity you declare you show no symptoms of a Covid-19 infection and that you can answer no to all the following questions:
- Do you currently have corona?
- Does one of your family members or roommates currently have corona?
- Did you in a time frame of two weeks got cured from corona?
- Do you have one or the following symptoms; cold, sneezing, coughing, painful throat, increased temperature (37,5 - 38 degrees) or fever (more than 38 degrees)?
- Do your family members or housemates currently have any of the above symptoms?
- Are you in home isolation?
If the situation changes between signing up and participating in the sports activity please email us at studentdancefactory@gmail.com.
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Email *
Name (First and Last) *
Phone Number (WhatsApp) *
Which Try-out date will you be attending? Please remember that you can only audition once. If you need to change the date of your audition from the one you originally chose, please email studentdancefactory@gmail.com *
What is your dance experience and background? *
Why do you want to join our team? *
What do you expect from the WDC (previously Wagalicious)? 
Are you interested in teaching a regular SDF class on Tuesday or Wednesday (in the future)? Yes/No, please explain
Are you interested in teaching a 8-12 week long technique workshop for SDF members on Tuesday or Wednesday (in the future)? Yes/No, please explain
Are you interested in making choreographies for WDC (in the future)? Yes/No, please explain
With the signing of this form, you recognize that as an applicant for the WDC and (potential) member of the SDF, you are held to a certain standard of conduct and behavioral expectations. You are to be kind and supportive to both yourself and your fellow dancers, never judgmental or mocking. You are to encourage growth and learning, for others and yourself, and to do so with passion. You are to be respectful of your teammates, captains, board, and fellow SDF members. And most importantly of all, you are expected to have fun!  *
With signing this form, I agree that the crew can take pictures and film parts of the audition (for private use only; will be deleted after selection)
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