Women's Entrepreneurship Day Organization Questionnaire
Join us and celebrate Women's Entrepreneurship Day (WED) in November 2024 at the United Nations headquarters in New York City, featured during Global Entrepreneurship Week! This weekend event is the world’s largest celebration of creatives, innovators, and job creators launching cutting-edge startups! Our intent is to generate a global movement, bring ideas to life, drive economic growth, and expand human welfare across 144 countries. WED will "Empower, Support and Celebrate Women Entrepreneurs Worldwide"!
The Purpose:
The purpose of this memorandum is to outline a partnership between your organization or business and Women’s Entrepreneurship Day (WED) to support the promotion of WED as an event during Global Entrepreneurship Week USA. Specifically, this agreement covers the planning and implementation of all related activities throughout Women’s Entrepreneurship Day in November 2024. This memorandum legitimizes the agreement to work to support and promote WED.

The WED Collaboration:
Your organization/business will join the movement and promote November 2024 as Women’s Entrepreneurship Day!
In doing so, you will:
1. Promote the event by hosting events or planning activities in honor of Women’s Entrepreneurship Day.
2. Include WED in a list of organizations that your organization/company has partnered with.
3. Publish occasional news stories - based on content (e.g. press releases, blog posts - provided by WED) on your official website about the event and related activities leading up to it.
4. Provide a statement of support, upon request, for WED from the President or Chairman of your organization/company.
5. Encourage your partner organizations and individuals to take part in the event as speakers, ambassadors, or some other appropriate role.
6. Include mention of the event in media kit and routine media outreach efforts.
7. Highlight the event and related activities with regular updates on its core social media channels including Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
8. Participate in the “WEDO Pledge” to support women entrepreneurs in their community with a vote of Talent, Time or Treasure.
In exchange, WED will help promote your organization/company as follows:
1. List your organization/company on the event website, promotional materials, banners/signage at the event, backdrops for press conferences, invites and all other outreach for the event and appropriate activities.
2. Promote your organization/company as a partner of Women’s Entrepreneurship Day, a featured event of Global Entrepreneurship Week USA.
3. Provide good faith effort in securing high-resolution photos of VIP participants and participants at the event, particularly photos of participants with your logo in the background, and send those to you shortly after the event.
4. Assist the planning team, as requested, in the organization of events your organization/company plans to promote Women’s Entrepreneurship Day.
5. Include mention of your organization/company on WED’s core social media channels including Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
Thank you - we look forward to collaborating with you on Women’s Entrepreneurship Day (WED) and empowering women and children globally!
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What is the name of your organization? *
What is the name of the organization's local contact person?
What city is your organization based? *
What state is your organization based? *
What Country is your organization based? *
Organizer's Email *
Organization's Website *
Organization's Facebook *
Organization's LinkedIn
Organization's Twitter
Organization's Instagram
Organization's Telephone Number *
Organization's Skype ID
How many members are involved with your organization? *
Organization's Mailing Address *
Street, Zip Code, City, State/Province, Country
Description of your organization (In 3 or less lines)
How many partners does your organization have? *
Companies, Organizations, People, etc.
What activities does your organization take part in? *
Has your organization appeared in any media outlets in your country? *
What kind of support does your organization offer? (Check all that apply)
Would your organization be interested in organizing activities to promote Women's Entrepreneurship Day? *
Please paste the link to a photo of your official logo that we can use for our website and other content.
To create a link to your photo, add the photo to your Google Drive if it is not already in your drive. Enter your drive, click on the photo and then click "share" (it is an icon at the top of the page with the outline of a person and a + sign). A window will appear. Select "get sharable link" in the top right corner of the window. Then select "anyone with link can view." Copy and paste the link below. By attaching the link, we will not have access to anything in your Google Drive accept this photo.
If your organization does not have access to a gmail account, please email the logo to womenseday@gmail.com.  
By signing in the space provided below, the parties agree to use their best efforts to meet the terms of this Memorandum of Understanding. 1) Include our logo and website link on your website 2) You will promote Women’s Entrepreneurship Day On November 14-16th 2024 3) You will support #CHOOSEWOMEN on December 2nd, 2024 to promote supporting women-owned businesses and causes.  We will send you details for the promotion *
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