Reserve a Mission Inn Foundation Traveling Trunk
The Mission Inn Foundation launched the Hands On History: Traveling Trunks Program in 2022 with two traveling trunks through the generous support of the E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation. All trunks feature all the materials to complete two lesson plans aimed at 3rd and 4th grade. All our lesson plans are interactive based, allowing students to have hands on experiences with objects included in our trunk while receiving an immersive lesson plan that focuses on important events that assisted in the development of Riverside and the Mission Inn. Each trunk focuses on a specific period of time in Riverside's and/or the Mission, covering over at least 100 years since Riverside's establishment. 

These trunks are available for free to all schools or educational institutions within Riverside, Moreno Valley, and Jurupa Valley for two-week periods. You are encouraged to pick-up the trunk at the Mission Inn Museum, but the trunk can be dropped-off free of charge.

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School or Educational Institution name (no acronoyms please) *
Contact Person *
Email *
Daytime phone *
Are you able to pick-up/drop-off the trunk at the Mission Inn Museum (3696 Main St.Riverside, CA 92501)? *
Address of School or Education Institution *
School District
Where should the trunk be dropped off within the school or education institution?
Which trunk subject are you interested in? *
Grade Level of Students/Group *
Approximate Number of People the Trunk will Serve *
First choice of start date for your traveling trunk reservation. Please choose a Monday. *
Second choice of start date for your traveling trunk reservation. Please choose a Monday.
Third choice of start date for your traveling trunk reservation. Please choose a Monday.
How did you hear about our Traveling Trunk program? *
Is there anything else you'd like us to know?
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