New South Media Vendor Application
Please complete this form if you are interested in becoming a vendor and selling/distributing WV Living, WV Weddings, or Morgantown magazines at your business.  Vendors are eligible for a 50% discount on the magazines that they purchase, with a minimum order quantity of 10. This form is intended for vendors interested in recurring shipments of our magazines. For bulk orders of individual issues, please contact our Operations Manager.

If you have any questions about the form or the process of becoming a vendor, please contact our Operations Manager at or 304.413.0104.  
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Contact First Name *
Contact Last Name *
Business Name *
Shipping Address *
Please provide a physical address (not a PO Box)
Shipping Address 2
Shipping City *
Shipping State (Abbreviation) *
Shipping Zip Code *
Phone Number *
Is the billing information the same as the shipping information? *
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