ARP II - OECD NCP Questionnaire
This questionnaire aims to collect information on how National Contact Points under the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises handle disputes arising from allegations of business involvement in human rights abuses.  The information will feed into the OHCHR study on accountability and remedy with respect to State-based non-judicial mechanisms (ARP II).

DO NOT feel compelled to answer every question.  Please just fill out the form to the best of your ability.
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Which jurisdiction are you responding about?
If you are asked to handle a specific instance proceeding involving allegations that a MNE has been responsible for, or contributed to, adverse human rights impacts, to what extent do you (or are you able to) consult with and communicate with other State bodies and agencies in your jurisdiction about (a) the issues raised in the specific instance and (b) suitable outcomes of the process?  Have you experienced any particular challenges in this regard (e.g. resources, timing, awareness of other State agencies with respect to NCP processes etc?).
If you are asked to handle a specific instance proceeding involving allegations that a MNE has been responsible for, or contributed to, adverse human rights impacts in another State, how would you engage with parties on the ground and potential State interlocutors (such as embassies etc) to help support that specific instance process?
How are NCP processes and activities publicised to interested stakeholders?  What kinds of outreach exercises do you engage in?
What forms of practical assistance are made available to parties submitting (or seeking to submit) specific instance proceedings? (e.g. translation services, or assistance with communications and/or engagement with the specific instance proceedings).
In the context of a specific instance proceeding, what kinds of consultation activities do you (or are you able to) carry out in the course of developing recommendations for the Final Report (e.g. with the party which has submitted the specific instance process, with other affected stakeholders, with the business enterprise concerned, or with other State bodies that may have a regulatory interest in the matter)?  To what extent do you (or are you able to) monitor the implementation of recommendations in practice?
Are there other State-based non-judicial mechanisms operating in your jurisdiction (i.e. apart from the NCP specific instance process) that are relevant to business respect to human rights? (Note: examples could be labour inspectorates, consumer protection bodies, environmental protection bodies, regulatory busies, industry-specific bodies, sector-specific bodies etc).  If so, can you identify them for us?
Any other comments (optional)
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