Discovering your Customer's Experience
No matter where you are in discovering, molding, refining or evolving your customer's experience, we're here to help you get to true insights that lead to measurable, actionable improvements for your customers well-being and your bottom-line. This survey is to help you start thinking about where you are in the process and where we need to go next
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How do you describe your relationship with your Customers?
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How important is knowing your Customer's needs to everyone in the company? *
Hardly care
Trying like crazy to know
What do your Customers love most about your company?
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How well does everyone in the company know your Customers needs? *
Like total strangers
Like best friends
How do your employees feel about assisting your Customers?
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How likely are your employees to give their very best to your Customers? *
Avoid them like the plague
Throw in every thing, and the kitchen sink
How would you describe leaderships engagement with Customer matters?
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How involved is leadership with Customer data? *
Wouldn't know it if it hit them in the face
Studies it like their live depends on it
How do you collect Customer feedback? *
How important is resolving a Customer's concern quickly? *
No rush, they aren't going anywhere
First thing on my to-do list
How does your company rally, when needed, around Customer matters? *
What role(s) do you play? *
Your Company's Name
Rough Company Size *
< 10 people ("We're Scrappy"
>1,000 ("Yeah, we're kind of a big deal")
Your Favorite Baseball team?
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Thank you for taking the time for this! If you would like CoXen to reach out to discuss further, please set an appointment at
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