Out of Hiding Quote Request
If you are interested in having your design printed on a garment and/or product, we can assist with that.  You can submit your vector file in PDF format OR High Resolution PNG.  We will create a mock up of how your design will look on the product before we proceed to printing. The proof will show the colors, size and location that we will be using to create your items. We have several garment brands available to fit your needs.  

If you are interested in using your own artwork, please complete the form below and send the image file to the following email address: outofhiding4319@gmail.com 
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Name *
Email *
Phone number *
City and State *
Shipping / Local Pickup *
How soon do you need your products? *
What service(s) are you requesting? *
Garment Type *
Image Print Location(s) *
Garment Quantity *
Garment Color *
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