Commission Interest Form for u/CallMeBeatrice (ScriptedByBea on Etsy)
I accept commission requests on a rolling basis. I'll reach out to you if I'm able to accept your commission request! 
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How can I contact you? (email address, reddit username, discord name, etc.) *
What are you looking to commission? *
Please describe, with as much detail as you can, what you're looking to commission.  

For scripts: tell me the speaker4listener pairing/s you're seeking (f4m, m4m, f4a, mf4f, etc.), general plot points, tags, things you know you do/don't want, word count, etc.

For a story/vignette: give me an idea of what you want to read, some plot points, story arc, character details, etc. I'm also happy to lean into my own creativity... just tell me where to start! We'll work together to make sure it's exactly what you want.

For an audio: Please know that audio commission requests will be accepted very rarely and only if what you're looking for feels right for me. I am also willing to do a fill of an already existing script if you secure the express written consent of the writer. Let me know if you're looking for F4M, F4F, F4TM, etc., general plot points, tags, things you know you do/don't want, word count, etc.

This is all tentative -- we'll talk about it in greater detail if I accept your request.
Scripts: $0.07 per word (for a full script, I recommend a minimum of 1000 words. Note that my writing style tends to lean heavily into plot/character development!)

Stories/Vignettes: Starts at $75 for 300 words with an additional $35 per 100 words. (Ex: 500 words = $145)

Audios: $15/minute for preexisting scripts. $18/minute for an original script (I recommend 13 minutes minimum for an original script). Price includes basic editing like background noise removal). An additional $2 per minute for any SFX above and beyond like ambience, wet sounds, etc.) 

Add Ons:
Exclusive Content - $30: Unless this option is added, I have the right to reuse, repurpose, or post publicly this script, story, or audio.
Extra SFX - $100: For projects that require heavy editing.
Extreme Specificity Fee - $20: For audios that request use of a particular name, location, mention of something specific, etc.
Do you understand and agree to the pricing guidelines outlined above? Do you acknowledge that these prices are subject to adjustment upon discussion of your project? *
My Terms

You must be 18+ to commission a custom work from me.

Once we have agreed upon the details of our project, I will send you an invoice. I will not start working until I receive payment. I will keep you updated throughout the process and give you a projected delivery date. (Estimate: Scripts: one/two weeks; Stories/Vignettes: four+ weeks; Audios: eight+ weeks)

No changes or refunds after project delivery. I will do my best to deliver quality work that is exactly what you want. It’s important that you communicate to me exactly what you want and expect during the brainstorming phase so I know that we're on the same page. Please be specific about your likes and dislikes!

Unless you add the Exclusive Content Add-On, I retain the right to publish this work (with names and personal details edited out) publicly, to paywalled sites, or create derivative pieces from the concept at my discretion.

Under no circumstances shall any of my work be uploaded or submitted anywhere without my permission, including but not limited to generative AI platforms.

Copyright Information

I retain all artistic rights to commissioned work, including but not limited to the right to publish any works completed wherever I see fit, as well as portfolio and promotional use. Any names used will be omitted before publishing.

If you choose to purchase exclusivity, I will never publish the audio commission on any platform or use it in my portfolio.
Do you agree to these terms and recognize my copyright rights as content creator? *
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